On Sat, 01 Sep 2007 20:46:29 GMT, "Jimmy Stewart....."
Post by Jimmy Stewart.....what reason is that then? .......
the days of self-improvement or self-advancement are gone.
your education system adjusts its grades to fit the bell curve
each year regardless of actual marks achieved on the paper.
more and more reports of dis-satisfaction of employers with useless
exam grades.
your education system has now gone and invented the A* to separate
out the ordinary A's from the special A's !!
in the TIMES on Thursday/Friday... I read
"MAKE SCIENCE EASIER EXAMINERS TOLD" as the headline on one section.
and in amateur circles,
1. you have an absolutley unenforcable rule about m3 rf power
2. a system that awarded no-effort with access to hf.
3. a requirement level that one part of it was described
as "MY DOG COULD DO IT" by a well known M1 station.
4. the m3 licence being described as a BARGAIN on a cb newsgroup.
5. even after so many suggestions - no frequency restrictions exist
to encourage an m3 to self-improve to climb up to 2e never mind m0.
and all of this is being allowed to happen by your government
end result:
if the government doesnt care enough to fix the problem then why
should anyone else care either !
your whole system seems to want to dumb itself down in order to
achieve some goal.